Gaming & Lifestyle

Case Study: Texowave

About Texowave

Mobile app development company Texowave was founded in September 2015 and is based in Ahmedabad, India. India is a hot market for digital-first companies, making it the perfect location for app development. From its first iOS app released in March 2016 to its current 30 apps available on Apple’s App Store, Texowave has developed apps accounting for 2 million users and 100,000 daily active users.

The Challenge

Reliable mobile attribution is no longer elective; it’s a requirement for companies to accurately identify where they are spending their budget and how much value they are getting in return across their selected KPIs. However, Texowave was not yet seamlessly tracking revenue. As a result, campaigns were not performing as needed.

Recognizing that data would be the key to their success, Texowave needed a mobile measurement partner to help them meticulously track revenue coming from search ads and Google Ads in particular, as well as introduce and track revenue from new marketing channels.

The Solution

Adjust helped Texowave identify and scale their top-performing campaign and end underperforming campaigns. Finally able to concisely measure performance data, a 150% increase in ROAS on this top campaign was the highlight of their new approach.

Anil Devani

Founder, Texowave

With a newfound understanding of its users’ interests and behaviors, along with reliable attribution data, Texowave has been able to scale its marketing budget and achieve the improved campaign performance they were aiming for.

Anil Devani

Founder, Texowave

The Results

With the help of Adjust, Texowave has been able to:

  • Grow revenue by 30% by comparing different offerwall and pricing strategies
  • Increase ROAS by 30%
  • Improve marketing efficiency by 25%

Next, Texowave has its sights set on growing to 20,000 daily active users in their Cam Scan app and 5 million users across their entire suite of apps. The team is confident that with the help of Adjust they will continue to be able to collect the data they need to develop successful campaigns that bring these targets to fruition.

Anil Devani

Founder, Texowave

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