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The ultimate recap of app use during the UEFA Euros 2024

With the UEFA Euro 2024 (Euros) now concluded, the football world is still buzzing from the thrilling final in Berlin, in which Spain triumphed over England. The tournament, hosted by Germany, drew immense attention, with a record-breaking peak TV audience of 24.2 million in the U.K. alone across the ITV and BBC networks on the day of the final. In Spain, public broadcaster RTVE peaked at 14 million viewers on the day of the final for its coverage of the trophy presentation.

TVs weren’t the only screens involved in fan celebrations and analysis—mobile phones also received plenty of attention. From live streaming and real-time updates to exclusive content, apps have become an integral part of how fans engage with major sporting events.

As the leading mobile analytics platform, Adjust has delved into the data surrounding app usage during the Euros. Join us as we explore the engagement that different app verticals received during the event.

App installs surge across Europe in unexpected app categories

Unsurprisingly, installs of video content and streaming apps and sports news apps in Europe saw a significant increase throughout the Euros. From June 14 to July 14, fans were eager to stay connected to the action, leading to an uplift in the number of app installs.

Installs of video content and streaming apps in Europe reached their year-to-date (YTD) peak on June 14, 212% above the 2024 YTD daily average.

This jump was seconded closely at 209% above average on June 29, the day of the Switzerland vs. Italy and Germany vs. Denmark matches. The quarter-final also brought a jump in installs, rising 175% above the year’s daily average. Similarly, installs of sports news apps reached their YTD peak the day after kick-off on June 15 at 155% above the 2024 YTD daily average. These spikes were followed by a 126% lift above average on June 14 and a 117% increase above average on the first day of the quarter-finals, July 5.

Session lengths of video content and streaming apps were particularly heightened in the regions of the final, peaking in the U.K. on the day of the England vs. Spain final at 42.8 minutes (19% above the daily average of 36 minutes) and in Spain on the day of the Spain vs. Albania match at 38.9 minutes (9% above the daily average of 36 minutes).

Installs of sports games apps and shopping deal discovery apps during the Euros 2024.

More surprisingly, sports game app installs spiked on the day the Euros began at 80% above the 2024 YTD daily average on June 14. In our analysis of mobile gaming data within our Gaming app insights report, Adjust data revealed that the organic install share of sports game apps globally sat around 75% in 2023, indicating a great opportunity for mobile marketers in this subvertical to focus budget on retention efforts over user acquisition (UA).

Shopping deal discovery app sessions also saw a boost over the Euros period, climbing to 94% above the 2024 daily average on June 16 and 17 and peaking on June 19 at 109% above average. A number of apps, including Temu and Lidl Plus, capitalized on this heightened engagement with in-app promotions, products, polls, and themes.

There was a notable correlation between key match dates and install growth in sports games, sports news, travel mobility (i.e. taxi or ride-sharing), and video content and streaming apps.

App install growth day vs. 2024 YTD average (Europe)

Sports games Sports news Travel mobility Video content and streaming
Kick-off +128% +126% +12% +212%
Quarter-finals day 1 +21% +117% +13% +175%
Quarter-finals day 2 +36% +43% +15% +137%
Semi-finals day 1 +13% +26% +3% +166%
Semi-finals day 2 +7% -11% +5% -24%
Final +27% +43% +12% +7%

Food delivery apps fueled Euros viewers in Spain

The boost in food delivery app installs across Europe was reflected in Spain, where they grew to:

  • 143% above the daily average on the day of the Spain vs. Italy match.
  • 98% above average on the day of the Spain vs. Georgia match.
  • 119% above average on the day of the final against England.

Installs of sports games climbed to 75% above average on the day of the Spain vs. Croatia match, while sports news app installs surpassed this slightly at 79% above average on the same day. Mobility app installs were their highest on the day of the final, which, combined with a surge in food delivery app installs, could indicate fans gathering at private viewing parties rather than public places like bars or special events.

Mobility app sessions in Spain were 22% higher than the 2024 YTD average on the day of kick-off and on the day of the final.

Sessions of food delivery apps were heightened on nearly identical days as the vertical’s install surges, reflecting quick time-to-first-purchase. Sessions of food delivery apps in Spain were:

  • 43% above the 2024 daily average on the day of the Spain vs. Croatia match.
  • 69% above the daily average on the day of the Spain vs. Georgia match.
  • 74% above average on the day of the final against England.

Sports games apps scored big with U.K. fans during the Euros

Interestingly, Adjust data revealed that sports game apps dominated install growth during the Euros, peaking at 452% above average on June 14, the day of kick-off, and remaining elevated for the England vs. Serbia match at 91% above the 2024 YTD daily average. Food delivery app installs grew to 53% above average on the day of the England vs. Switzerland match, while sports news and mobility app installs peaked on the day of the final at 82% and 44% above average, respectively.

After such a marked install peak, sports game app sessions remained high throughout the Euros. They reached their pinnacle on the day of the England vs. Serbia match at 78% above the daily average. This was followed by a hike up to 61% above average on the day of England vs. Slovakia and 52% above average on both the day of kick-off and the day of the England vs. Denmark match.

Food delivery app sessions grew to 32% above the daily average on the day of the England vs. Switzerland match, while it was the day of the England vs. Slovakia match which gave sports news apps their biggest bump in sessions to 36% above average.

All eyes are on the score (and weather!) across Europe

The excitement on the day of the final was not only noticeable in England and Spain, but also in football-loving countries like Italy, France, and of course the hosting country Germany. On July 14, app installs were:

  • 98% higher for sports news apps in Italy than the country’s 2024 YTD daily average.
  • 73% higher for sports game apps in Germany compared to the country’s 2024 YTD daily average.
  • 40% higher for mobility apps in France vs. the country’s 2024 YTD daily average.

Likewise, on July 14, app sessions were:

  • 29% higher for food delivery apps in Italy than the country’s 2024 YTD daily average.
  • 13% higher for mobility apps in Germany compared to the country’s 2024 YTD daily average.
  • 19% higher for mobility apps in France vs. the country’s 2024 YTD daily average.

It’s also worth noting that weather app session lengths were, at times, strikingly raised during the Euros as viewers made plans to watch matches. In fact, an impressive storm made headlines during the Germany vs. Denmark match. Compared to their respective daily averages, session lengths of weather apps were up:

  • 10% on the day of kick-off and 11% on the day of England vs. Switzerland in the U.K.
  • 18% on the day of Spain vs. Italy in Spain.
  • 44% on the day of Italy vs. Croatia in Italy.
  • 50% on the day of Germany vs. Hungary in Germany.
  • 340% on the day of France vs. Portugal in France.
  • 40% on the second day of the semi-finals across all of Europe on average.

Adjust data clearly reveals that the UEFA Euro 2024 captivated audiences not only through traditional TV broadcasts but also through the dynamic and interactive capabilities of mobile apps. With significant surges in installs and engagement, mobile apps played a crucial role in enhancing the fan experience. Platforms like Adjust provide invaluable insights into these trends, helping marketers understand and leverage app usage data to optimize their strategies.

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