
Adjust equips Game District with clean, download-boosting data








The challenge

Game District wanted to broaden its ad spend portfolio and expand its presence across a variety of ad networks. In addition, the company wanted clearer insights into attribution figures to help dictate its pricing strategy and provide the data required for business acceleration.

In the rapidly expanding gaming industry, attribution is vital, as it provides essential data for growth, scalability, and business efficiency. Game District’s growth ambitions meant access to reliable attribution data was a must-have—without it, scalability, business operations, and budgets were all at risk.

With business objectives and goals that focused on sustainable growth and maximizing campaign efficiency, Game District viewed access to reliable data as crucial. One area where the business saw data reliability as paramount—particularly clean attribution data—was in determining the profitability of different countries. Without this, the business knew its ability to make informed decisions and maximize profitability would be greatly hindered.

The team recognized the importance of incorporating a mobile measurement partner (MMP) to enhance multiple aspects of their advertising strategies, which led them to choose Adjust’s comprehensive solutions.

The solution

Adjust's Measure solution was key to broadening Game District’s ad spend portfolio, while also providing the team with an industry-leading attribution solution. By identifying profitable ad networks and geographical areas, the company was able to optimize its ad campaigns more efficiently, allocating resources effectively and achieving better results.

Saad Hameed

CEO and Founder, Game District

Among Game District’s various key performance indicators (KPIs), ROAS and cost per install (CPI) were viewed as the most critical. The company found the Adjust platform provided comprehensive tools that consolidated various analytics, eliminating the need for multiple third-party integrations. Having all its data in one place meant Game District was able to perform thorough analysis more efficiently, saving time and improving its overall marketing strategy by enabling more confident decision-making backed by accurate data.

In addition to enabling Game District to uncover the insights needed to maximize ROAS,  the team was also able to assess the effectiveness of different advertising channels and campaigns. This meant unlocking the ability to confidently scale its budget on the high-value channels and sources that deliver the best return on investment (ROI), while pausing or decreasing spend where performance was not as strong.

Saad Hameed

CEO and Founder, Game District

The business has also benefited from Adjust’s real-time callbacks, which directly ping from server-to-server when an event is triggered from an ad engagement or within an app—the former meaning Game District can get an overview of the performance of its creatives, adapting them according to Adjust’s in-platform data. The use of callbacks enables Game District to measure and attribute campaign performance in real-time, enabling lightning-fast insight into attribution accuracy and the ability to make bid and budget adjustments with complete confidence. This frees up marketing team time and makes it straightforward to reveal the effectiveness of their efforts, while improving the ability to achieve user acquisition-focused KPIs.

Game District plans to continue leveraging the data and analytics provided by Adjust to gain deeper insights into user behavior and campaign performance, allowing the team to make more informed decisions, optimize campaigns, and allocate resources effectively.

The results

By accurately tracking and analyzing its return on ad spend, Game District was able to gauge the effectiveness of different creatives, advertising channels, and campaigns. This allowed the business to distribute engaging ads across high-performing regions via strong channels, delivering the highest ROI possible. The result was an increase in downloads and an improvement in overall revenue.

With confidence in their new strategy, and with the help of Adjust, the marketing team at Game District was able to:

  • Increase downloads by 400%
  • Grow revenue by 30%
  • Increase efficient ad spend by spend by 200%

Saad Hameed

CEO and Founder, Game District

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