China Export Apps Report 2024

Out now! Chinese export apps: Exploring global growth, influence, and market opportunities

We’re excited to introduce our latest report—Chinese export apps: Exploring global growth, influence, and market opportunities. Packed with data and insights, this report dives into the expansion and sustained influence of Chinese apps on the world stage, highlights the regions and verticals where they’ve gained a solid foothold, and examines emerging areas of growth.

Discover the strategies and trends fueling this continued success and scale.

Ready to see where Chinese apps are thriving and what’s next on the horizon?

A sneak peak at what’s inside

  • Chinese apps now have 24% availability in the U.S. and 22% in India.
  • 30% of mobile marketers are keen to advertise in short drama apps—a booming space for Chinese publishers.
  • ATT opt-in rates are growing globally, easing complexity in campaign optimization on iOS.
  • Social app installs in the U.S. rose 36% YoY in Q3 2024, paving the way for Chinese social platforms to boost their presence in North America.
  • SEA’s 88% YoY growth in finance app installs and 184% YoY rise for shopping apps position it a top region for Chinese developers seeking to grow their user base.

Nan Lu

Senior Director of APAC Marketing

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